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Cancer incidence in Scotland 2021
This release by Public Health Scotland (PHS) provides an annual update of cancer incidence statistics in Scotland from January 1997 to December 2021. All cancer types are included. Generally, cancer incidence statistics should be interpreted within the context of long-term trends. However, examining cancer incidence in 2021 against expected rates is important to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery.
Cancer patient experience survey
The cancer patient experience survey has been designed to monitor national progress on cancer care; to provide information to drive local quality improvements; to assist commissioners and providers of cancer care; and to inform the work of the various charities and stakeholder groups supporting cancer patients.
Continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care
This section contains statistics relating to the activity of NHS Continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care in England. Categories of activity covered are: eligibility, referrals, conversion rates, personal health budgets and decision support tools.